We Value Healthy Competition Within Our Community

We value healthy competition within our community for growth of our best selves and of our profession.  Together we can inspire and innovate

Together we can inspire and innovate!  It's true.  Without other doulas working in your community the doula profession will dwindle and disapear.  Imagine, no community of doulas supporting one another, no back ups available, not one person who "gets it" and understands what being a doula is.  

Sometimes the word competition gets in the way of seeing how we can all benefit from it.  This does not connote negativity in our minds.  Quite the opposite.  We challenge you to do the same.   

All of us in the doula industry are working to promote doula support for ourselves and each other.  We should see other doulas and welcome their value even when sometimes that means "losing" a client to them.  You see, none of us are able to do this alone, and the more doulas supporting our communities the better.

 We even think that you are a better doula when healthy competition is right next door.  Even the best of us need a bit of motivation to keep things in our lives and professions fresh.  We encourage you to reach out to other doula practices and see what you can learn from each other.  This profession has room for creativity within ones practice.  So go ahead, get creative and stand out!  Don't be afraid to do something different.  We will want to hear about it.

As doula trainers we are inspiring and educating new doulas everyday.  Our mentoship program backs this up.  Every doula needs other doulas for support, communtiy and to help build their own businesses.  We challenge you to see healthy competition as an opportunity to learn and reflect on your own practice.  Let us know what small changes you see in yourself and your practive when you embrace this.

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