We Have a Secret

We have a secret…. We are change makers.  We know that doulas DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  We know that in order to change the culture of birth doulas need to be on the forefront of this change.  This is why a new way of training doulas is a must.  Too many families need us, are counting on us, to step up and help change education and support during birth and the postpartum period. DOULAS, we are in a unique position to help shift this paradigm.  Join us in making it happen.

Other facts about DTI you’ll want to know about:


  • We are proud of our one on one Mentorship Program
  • We explore and stay up to date on parenting trends
  • We are birth activists and breastfeeding warriors
  • We help you create a viable business that matches your passions
  • Our curriculum teaches doula care and doula skills.  You will leave our trainings not only with information but also how to teach and educate the families you serve
  • We believe that doulas are emotional companions through one of the most sacred times in a persons life
  • We honor the transformative process of birth and parenthood
  • We trust normal birth and parents instincts
  • We believe that postpartum doulas are newborn and family care specialists
  • We value healthy competition within our community for growth of our best selves and of our profession.  Together we can inspire and innovate
  • We believe that women and babies thrive with support

We have another secret…DTI has created a new way of training  doulas that inspires and innovates those who choose to work professionally as doulas. We have created a new format and curriculum that does much more than simply give information—it teaches practical tools in a hands on workshop and continues to grow WITH YOU to deepen your knowledge and confidence to step into a working birth network that gives you longevity in this field.  We even have it tightly wrapped up into 9 months of mentorship that ensures you will stay on track and make it to the finish line. You will be inspired and have the knowledge to keep the fire going.

Want to work as a professional doula?  We currently have trainings open for registration in Austin, New York, San Francisco and Miami. Reach out to us for more info or register for a training and make the change!

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