Running a Doula Biz: Interviewing 101

If you are in business as a doula you are in sales!  Each and every interview that you meet with potential clients is a sales pitch for doulas and for yourselves.  I know that we often want to think of this meet and greet (we even call it something else) as just a meeting to see if we are a good fit.  Yes, this is true.  But it is more.  If you are working as a full time doula this is indeed a sales pitch to book a client.  This is something that a lot of thought needs to be put into so that you stand out in your field and GET HIRED.

First, it is important to explore who your ideal client is.   What does your ideal client really want?   What are the demographics of this potential client?  What are their values?  By understanding this more you will understand their needs and how to support them better.  This will also help you when interviewing with them and knowing if you are a good fit.

An interview really is just a conversation BUT you need to guide this conversation.  Be the alpha here.  Most couples want a doula who will help them navigate their needs.  Start by helping them navigate the conversation.  This will show competence and leadership on your behalf and they will start imagining you as their doula. 

Once you are sitting down for an interview make time to listen to the couple. Let them tell you who they are and what they want.  When you are talking remember to SLOW DOWN.  

Check in with yourself during an interview.  Are you repeating yourself?  Don't try to convince yourself they need a doula.  You must convince them.

Keep in mind these two things:  What are the needs of this particular client AND what is the want of this particular client?  Address both of these before closing the interview.

Keep track of your time during an interview.  Be sure to answer all of the potential clients questions about your services but don't get caught up in talking too much about things that should really be addressed once they hire you.  Keeping track of time will help with this.  

Be sure that the potential clients have your contract and cards before leaving should they want to hire you. Follow up within a week to check in and good luck!

What tips can you share?  What has worked (and not) worked for you?

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