Join the #BoobsCampaign for Birth Justice

We highly identify with the #FreeTheNipple movement.


We love all boobs – big boobs, small boobs, stretch-marked boobs, scarred boobs – but being involved with birth work brings the “controversy” surrounding the exposure of female nipples down to one common point: At one point, not a single one of us thought boobs were offensive, or vulgar, or inherently sexual. For many of us, they were just food.

It’s disheartening to see that in 2017, we still have incidents pop up in public spaces around the world where breastfeeding mothers are asked to cover up or go somewhere else simply because the view of them feeding their babies makes others uncomfortable or is seen as obscene. And though almost all US states allow public breastfeeding, there’s no enforcement provision in the majority of the laws (meaning if someone is harassed to stop, they can’t pursue legal action against their harasser).

One day, we’ll get things right when it comes to legislation.

Until then, we’ll keep featuring the amazing artists and activists in our doula and birth work community that celebrate the magic of boobs, like Rebekah Erev!

DTI co-founder, Tara Brooke and artist Rebekah Erev sat down to talk about their shared missions one morning in Berkeley. We want to elevate her #BoobsCampaign not only because her work is beautiful (it is!) but to support the mission behind the art: Giving to organizations that promote reproductive and birth justice.

Here are the details:

If you buy a Boobs Poster, half of the proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood and the Birth Justice Project, a Bay-Area based organization that provides doula care and health education to people in local jails and addiction recovery programs.

From March 27 to April 26 (for the month of Nisan – the first month of the Jewish year, when Passover occurs), half of sales proceeds will go to TGIJP (Transgender, Gender Variant and Intersex Justice Project).

AND…starting now, the next 10 folks who register for any DTI training will receive a free Boob Poster, sent from DTI.  So if you’re thinking of joining our DTI2 doula training (in-person or online) or our CBE edu training program, this is a great time!

We couldn’t be more enthusiastic about Rebekah’s #BoobsCampaign! It’s the epitome of what it looks like to be intentional and intersectional in birth work, by uplifting organizations that provide resources for the most marginalized members of our society.

As a side note: Rebeka also makes these Moon Angel Cards to help you flow with the moon’s cycle – setting intentions, reflecting on the past and dreaming for the future. If you’re looking into incorporating a daily ritual to start your morning and drift into your night’s sleep, consider these. They also make great gifts!

Keep creating, Rebekah — we’ll spread the good word.

Instagram: @rebekaherevstudio
Facebook: rebekah erev studio

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