Hand Expression: Expert Affiliate Interview with Francie Webb

When breast/chest feeding your baby, there often comes a time or set of circumstances that require you to give a bottle with your milk in it. Most parents (and most of society!) believe this can only be done using a pump. But many parents find the pumping experience to be frustrating – cold, sterile, difficult.

DTI doula Francie Webb offers another option. Hand expression. And once you try it, you may dump the pump altogether!

Francie’s book, Go Milk Yourself, chronicles her experience with hand expression, and in her interview with Tara she tells us why it’s so important that doulas know about this option for their clients. Often, hand expression is not ever discussed as an option, and it may just be the missing piece to making breastfeeding fit in your unique life.

DTI co-founder Tara Brooke sat down with Francie to talk about hand expression and ended up having an all out gab fest about life, birth, loss, and finding and being inspired by yourself! Sit down, pour a glass of wine (or a cup of tea) and settle into a convo that will keep you wanting more than just this one hour with these two.

Expert Affiliate Videos are open to DTI Members, and that’s not the only perk – DTI members also get discounts for events, like the Born Into This conference, where Francie Webb is a speaker! Sign up as a member today so you can catch this and other great interviews, and if you are interested in the Born Into This conference, hurry and register before March 21.

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