Graduate School for Doulas

When we decided to create our program at DTI, we knew we wanted it to be robust, challenging, supportive, business focused, and woman-centered. We are the graduate school for doulas. We have created a program that understands a doula's knowledge is well nourished when she can support her client from a place of intuitive wisdom and back it up with the richness of evidence-based research. 

Our heart opening and hands-on three day training is only the beginning. Through mentorship, monthly teleclasses, and joining our DTI tribe, our program gives you the tools you need to answer your calling to be a birth worker with confidence and professionalism. Afterall, we're modern doulas with roots in the timeless tradition of women supporting women. 

So, what does it mean to be a modern doula?

By modern we mean leveraging the benefits of modernity.  We do this by caring for and about women and families, staying current with evidence-based information, and creating a career as a doula with passion and professionalism.

Graduate school is an investment for people desiring to further their education and receive a deeper understanding of their field. 

We hope you join us on this journey of deepening your career as a doula!

In support of YOU,


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