Essential Oils Part 2



Therapeutic grade *and only Therapeutic Grade* Essential Oils, can be an amazing support for laboring mothers. I will never forget how helpful they were for me during my labor and delivery especially for back labor pain, courage and energy. For doulas they can be a beautiful, organic addition to your practice.

If you haven’t read part 1, of this 3 part blog series, please do so before continuing on here.

Basic Birth Prep Kit:

  • Essential 7 Kit: joy, peace and calming, lavender, panaway, lemon, and purification
  • Valor: Balances the body and mind. Calms nervous system. Helps with sleep.
  • Gentle Baby: Helps comfort, soothes, reduces stress, prevents stretch marks, aids in prenatal bonding, and prepares perineum for labor.
  • Clary Sage: Supports labor and balancing the hormones.
  • Fennel: Supports lactation, digestion and colic.
  • Clara Derm Spray: Prepares perineum before birth and aids in healing after birth.
  • Tender Tush Ointment: Prevents stretch marks and great for diaper rash or any rash.
  • Trauma Life: Combats any trauma mother and baby may have endured.
  • Myrrh: Softens perineum during labor, heals umbilical cord ending, stretch marks, etc.
  • Frankincense: Purifies, opens brain function, very holy oil.
  • DiGize: Great for any digestive discomfort mother or baby may be feeling.
  • Thieves: A blend of antiviral/bacterial oils that should be diffused in hospitals and birthing centers to protect mother and child from infections and disease, and placed on bottoms of feet before, during and after labor.


Labor and Delivery:

  • Early labor—to halt labor:
    • Lavender: Apply a few drops on the belly to help calm and relax
    • Peace & Calming: Apply one drop on the heart
    • Clary Sage: Apply 5-7 drops on the bottoms of feet
    • Fennel: Apply 5-7 drops on the bottoms of feet
  •  To Encourage Labor:
    • Jasmine: Inhale
    • Clary Sage: Apply to abdomen. Apply a few drops on insides of ankles. Reapply every ½ hour to increase and strengthen contractions.
  •  During Labor:
    • Labor Blend:
      • Helichrysum, 4 drops
      • Fennel, 4 drops
      • Peppermint, 2 drops
      • Ylang Ylang, 6 drops
      • Clary Sage, 3 drops
      • Mix oils with ½ ounce of V-6 oil, only ONCE the labor has STARTED. Apply to the insides of wrists, ankles, bottoms of feet, lower abdomen and back.




For more information on how to purchase Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, use them during your pregnancy and labor/delivery, or incorporate them into your doula practice, please feel free to email me with your questions at:

Next month I will be focusing on which oils are best for Postpartum support! 🙂

Kyle Ellen Nuse, DTI Doula and Holistic Health Practitioner

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