Doula Voices: Why Come to the OneDoula Business and Yoga Retreat

Are you looking for a way to impact your business for the better, gain essential tools for organization and self-care, and cultivate a community of doulas? It’s been claimed before by various workshops, but what if there was something different than anything else on the market of doula business workshops? Would you jump at the chance? How would you determine the cost versus benefit before deciding?

We all look for social proof before making decisions. Here is what just a few of the doulas who attended the 2015 OneDoula Retreat share about what happened in their businesses after this experience.

simonetoomer“It helped me value my services more as well as set and respect my boundaries. Last year I expressed wanting to become more independent with my business, step away from the doula collective scene, serve my community smarter not harder (setting my fee according to my time, passion and worth). Since this year I published my website, all my independent clients have been Latina/black paying my full fee, and I am taking summer off. To set an intention is to speak it into existence. I couldn’t have realized my wants and needs without Tulum last year. It really catapulted my business to the next level.” —Simone Toomer

It really catapulted my business to the next level

“I rarely, if ever, spend that much on myself. It was a radical act of self-care.” —Raini Gomezrainigomez

It was a radical act of self-care.

“The retreat impacted my business greatly. Once I was back home I felt immediate confidence when I would talk about being a doula and birth. I got the advice to merge my doula and henna business to get more clients on both ends. I took that advice to heart and attended my first birth as a doula for a past henna client. I have more organization in my business and write down goals all the time. I am so thankful for the women I got to meet as well. I left whole.

It was very much out of my comfort zone… I left whole.

bethanyg“Leaving whole. That is something that really resonates with so many in our profession. We take on and absorb so much in birth. It can become overwhelming to witness without a safe place to process. The high burnout rate of the doula profession is not surprising when you take into consideration all we do.

“I don’t do things like this. It was very much out of my comfort zone but I knew it was an amazing opportunity to grow confidence as a newer doula, to learn about building my business, to get great advice and to meet some other amazing DTI doulas who I could support and who could support me. Best step ever.” —Bethany Gurrolla

christineh“Since Tulum I have raised my fee several times. By unapologetically knowing my worth I have become a better doula and a better mom. The hours don’t seem as long when I feel I am being properly compensated.

“My self-care absolutely changed when I returned from Tulum. I committed myself to rediscovering my yoga practice. Through sweat and tears on my mat, I have learned to dig deep within myself, to break down walls and to really become the absolute best version of myself. Yoga has enabled me to grow as an individual, a mom, and a doula.” —Christine Halldorson

My self-care absolutely changed when I returned from Tulum. Yoga has enabled me to grow as an individual, a mom, and a doula.


Last call! Registration closes this Friday, 7/15!

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