A Doula’s Gratitude

There is a wonderful phenomenon happening this month throughout the social media universe: people expressing, on a daily basis, the reasons why they feel grateful.  The range of gratitude is wide, from delicious meals that they love, to their children, to world peace. As an expression of our gratitude at DTI we put together a Top Ten list of reasons why doulas feel grateful at a birth (and in general)!

  1. Labor starts on it’s own! 
  2. A woman and her partner go into her labor feeling supported, confident, and clear about their birth vision.
  3. Movement is not restricted.
  4. Showers and baths are easy to access.
  5. Double hip squeeze does the trick!
  6. The microwave is accessible. We can warm up our rice sock.
  7. Sweating, vomiting, shaking, pooping, and crying are all great signs that things are moving in the right direction!
  8. We start to hear low grunting animal sounds from the mother.
  9. A birth plan takes a new direction and our client feels that she has made informed decisions throughout the process.

    And the last  reason on our top-ten list that we doulas feel grateful at our births:

  10. The room is filled with calm, love, and trust for birth. We witness the transformative power and miracle of the birth of a mother, baby, and family.      

Women, partners, and babies continue to teach and inspire us! Every birth is truly an honor to attend. Thank you to all doulas for the love and support that you provide to women and their families.

Doulas: What are you grateful for? 

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