We're Facing a Maternal Care Desert Crisis in the United States
Something needs to change.
The Care Collective
Nearly 500,000 births go unassisted without necessary guidance or care in the US every year. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, our collective aim is to address this gap through a shared scholarship initiative. In partnership with other birthwork educational organzations, we're offering accessible education to those living and working in states facing a maternal care crisis.
Who Can Apply
The Care Collective scholarship program is for anyone who is living and intends to serve in one of the 1,119 maternal care deserts in the US (see the full map of counties here).
If you represent an educational organization and would like to offer additional scholarship opportunities please reach out at: scholarships@wearedti.com
Learn More & Support
Explore this report from March of Dimes that showcases what areas experience the most hardship.
Use their letter-writing generator to reach out to your representatives and support policy changes.
100% of funds will go directly to funding care collective scholarships