Senate to consider bill to protect access to contraception

Senate to consider bill to protect access to contraception


The Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Wednesday legislation will be considered in June that would protect access to contraception.

What is the bill?

According to, The Right to Contraception Act would establish that individuals have a statutory right to obtain contraceptives and to more broadly seek care to prevent pregnancy. This protection extends to all methods of contraception, from fertility awareness-based methods to over-the-counter products to prescription drugs and devices to sterilization. The bill would further establish that providers have a corresponding right to provide contraceptive services and supplies and information and referrals related to those matters. For more information, see this one pager.

Calls to action

  1. Call or email your Senator and ask them to vote for The Right to Contraception Act, S. 1999.
  2. Call or email your Representative and ask them to vote for The Right to Contraception Act H.R. 4121.


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