Oh, you who radiate life

As doulas, we find many ways to support the heart of the mother. Poems and blessings are one way to help women feel more connected to their heart and their baby. We encourage our mamas to hang poems and blessings in the space where they’re birthing. This is a simple way to personalize a space and create an environment of unconditional support and strength. Enjoy this beautiful poem written by Amy Wright Glenn and feel free to share it with the pregnant women that are on your path.

Oh, you who radiate life

A blessing


May your pregnancy unfold with ease

May gentleness surround you


Joy for precious days

Days of two hearts beating in one body


You radiate wonder

Inspiring poetry, art, worship of ancients


Trust your body

This process and your unique pregnancy path


Soon to emerge as mother

May kindness guide your hands


Oh, you who radiate life

Birth blessings


May you move with the wisdom of breath

Of your animal form

Of your gorgeous heart


Courage be yours


Radiating mother-to-be

I marvel at your light


For I remember those days

Holy days of goddess awe

And gratitude beyond measure fills me


May it be so for you

And even more


Amy Wright Glenn, MA Teachers College at Columbia University. Amy is a birth doula, Kripalu Yoga instructor, hospital chaplain, and scholar of comparative religion and philosophy. Her first book “Birth, Breath, and Death— Meditations on Motherhood, Chaplaincy, and Life as a Doula” was released in March 2013 and is available in print and on Kindle via Amazon. This makes a wonderful holiday gift for birth professionals, pregnant women, and mothers. 


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