- Free Ebooks for a Free Palestine
- Jewish Voice for Peace
- Rev. Fahed Abu Akel on his family's Palestine story Source: Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace
- The Israel Lobby, 2006 essay by John Mearsheimer, professor of political science at the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard
- Palestine 101: Decolonize Palestine
- Book: Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement, by Angela Y. Davis
Giving Birth During An Emergency, a guide for disaster & crisis situations, by midwife Jennie Joseph, with translation to Arabic, Armenian, French,
Ukrainian and Hebrew provided by JoeyBand - Call-In From Cornerstone Birthwork Training
- United Nations' sexual & reproductive health & rights agency (UNFPA) Donate
- Doctors Without Borders Donate
- Anera: provides urgent supplies such as hygiene kits, food and more Donate
- New Israel Fund Donate
- Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) Donate
- ActionAid emergency response fund Donate
- Advice from the Federal Trade Commission to consider before making a gift If you're able to give financially, a reminder that it's a good practice to verify that your funds will be used legitimately and effectively.